What if God’s great plan was not the ineffable plan? What if Angels were not really better than demons? What if an angel and a demon were the best of friends? What if the Antichrist was actually an adorable child who tried to stop Armageddon with his cute dog and his friends?
Good omens is the answer to all these what ifs and more.
The story starts of with God herself (yes she’s a woman. Ariana was right who knew) narrating to us the events that have been going on since the beginning of earth.
Frances McDormand as God is perfect. I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed a narrator so much. Her voice is easy on the ears and she is hilarious.
Crowley, played by David Tenant, and Aziraphale, played by Michael Sheen, are the stars of the show. Crowley in all his devilish swagger and Aziraphale with his angelic wholesomeness are worth every single second. Every frame with even one of these in them is automatically heavenly. This is not to say that the rest of the cast is not good. They are brilliant as well. Every character seems extremely real despite being downright comical at times all thanks to the wonderful cast.

The cinematography is wonderful. Most scenes look straight out of a painting and the show transitions between various different aesthetics smoothly and even ties them together well in the climax scene. It is by far the most accurate and justified adaptation of any fantasy fiction in recent times.

The best part of the show however is how it takes a grim topic like apocalypse and handles in such a comical manner without making light of the situation. In doing so it even leaves you with a tiny bit of hope about the world.

Published by WorthITT - Talent Meets Technology

WorthITT - Talent Meets Technology. A digital platform for artists belonging to screen as well as performing arts to engage,showcase and connect with talent agencies such as casting directors,event organizers, event managers & promoters.

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